Open positions

Director, Digital Fabrication

This role will own the creation of the holistic digital strategy for our highly-automated, digital fabrication process that will produce mass timber building products. As an essential member of our ‘startup team’, you have an opportunity to bring digital tools into the next generation of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC).

Building on top of our manufacturing platform, we believe that the digital layer can set a new standard in the emerging mass timber fabrication industry. This is the opportunity to define the digital tools which will unlock the “future state” for advanced mass timber fabrication in the US. Succeeding in this role requires an understanding of existing AEC practices (design and management practices, and the practical implications of building design and construction decisions), combined with fluency in the powers and limitations of digital tools, a working knowledge of mass timber manufacturing processes, alongside a vision for the future and the ability to define and execute on a near and long-term roadmap.

We have developed points of view on three primary areas of ‘digital opportunity’:

  • End-to-end project delivery: Putting in place a digital workflow and tech stack for the business that engages all stakeholders across the entire process from design, supply chain, and factory fabrication to onsite delivery.

  • Factory operations: Streamlining, digitizing, and automating the process by which the factory can source, fabricate and build the range of building components we target.

  • Digital building design tools: Allowing potential customers (architects/general contractors/structural engineers) to design with the kit of parts supported through software.


Your responsibilities will center on defining the 1, 5, and 10-year digital strategy and delivering on it. We also look to you to integrate that digital strategy into the business’ broader go-to-market strategy, profitability, and long-term growth prospects.

Hand-in-hand with strategy, you will move into execution quickly, identifying the needed resources, diligencing potential software solutions, and developing a framework for prioritization and make-vs-buy decisions while protecting IP.

This role has to successfully integrate our new approach across all process steps and with our partners, e.g. required integrations across suppliers, design team, on-site GCs, subs, etc.

After 6 months, you will have:

  • Understood the product and services offering

  • Understood the manufacturing process

  • Developed a vision for the digital layer of factory for the next 5 years

  • Developed a critical path schedule and plan for the next 12 months

After 12 months you will have:

  • Identified a digital execution strategy for our first products and services

  • Begun integration of software layers for key components

  • Identified resources (in-house talent or hiring needs) and external partners to execute


  • Be actively working with a team to deliver our products and services

  • Set up first equipment in the factory and integrate the digital layers

  • Have a clearly articulated 5-year strategy, building on the vision you identified and refined.


Direct experience of bringing digital technologies into the nexus of construction, automation, and manufacturing is highly valuable, but rare and not required. We believe there are different backgrounds that can be successful in this role, and can provide support for a passionate, invested person from an adjacent field (e.g. aerospace, auto, or other advanced manufacturing industries).

We believe the following is essential:

  • You have a deep practical understanding of bringing digital layers into traditionally analogue processes.

  • You have a strong underlying understanding of software for architectural design, manufacturing, or construction, possibly including an advanced degree in architecture, engineering, or technology.

  • You can point to success in using digital technology-based approaches to drive innovation, value, or optimization into a design/production/delivery operation.

  • You are passionate about or even intimately familiar with ‘building buildings’, i.e. Architecture, Engineering, and Construction.

  • You have a nuanced understanding of the problem you’re solving, e.g. through experience in the real estate or construction business, or as a client or supplier to them.

  • You have experience leading an initiative from concept to operation, working through all the stages and ambiguities along the way.

  • You have significant success demonstrating the judgment, skills, and experience to build a successful strategy, and deliver on it.

  • You are motivated by an entrepreneurial environment and highly effective at using it as a launch pad.

  • Senior enough to have knowledge, insights, relationships, and credibility—but willing to roll up your sleeves to do the work required.

We are very excited to hear from you.

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